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Your wedding day should be one of the happiest days of your life and I am here to take the stress out of planning your ceremony!
I believe ceremonies set the scene for the celebrations ahead, and it's my mission to have every guest smiling, laughing and maybe even shedding a tear.

INITIAL CONSULTATIONIt's important to have an initial chat to see if I'm the right celebrant for you. It's obligation free and I'm available for face to face meetings, skype/facetime calls or even just a quick chat over the phone.
ACCESS TO THE CEREMONY BASICS LIBRARYI will provide you with online access to my ceremony basics to help you work out the structure of your ceremony. The majority will be custom written by me though.
HOMEWORKMy ceremonies require both you and your partner to fill out a questionnaire.... separetely! This will allow me to get some more insight into your relationship which will assist me in the writing process. It's only 8 questions and best to have some fun with it!
DRAFT CEREMONYYou can choose to recieve a draft of your ceremony or just wing it on the day! I am VERY experienced so you can have full trust in me to create something fun, emotive and unique to your relationship!
SECOND MEETINGDuring the second meeting we will go through the ceremony structure, discuss music requirements, any other inclusions and also begin the legal paperwork.
ON THE DAYI arrive at your venue nice and early to set up and after that you will usually find me organising with venue staff, chatting to guests and creating a great atmosphere..
AFTER THE CEREMONYThis is not the last you have heard from me! I will register your marriage and lodge all original paperwork with births,deaths and marriages. I will notify you once everything is complete (usually 4-6 weeks afterwards).
FOLLOW UPI will send you a follow up email with detailed instructions on how to obtain your original legal marriage certificate from the BDM office.

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